Running your own Zephyr binary on LiteX/VexRiscv in Renode ========================================================== Zephyr is a very capable RTOS governed by a Linux Foundation subproject. It is very well supported on the RISC-V architecture, as well as in LiteX. Building a Zephyr application ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To install all the dependencies and prepare the environment for building the Zephyr application follow the official `Zephyr Getting Started Guide `__ up to point 4. On Linux you can follow the instructions from the point 5 on installing the Software Development Toolchain. For other operating systems, if you followed the instructions from the ``Required Software`` section of this tutorial, you should have a toolchain in ``PATH``. On macOS and Windows you also need to set some additional variables. For macOS: .. code:: bash export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=cross-compile export CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-elf- For Windows: :: set ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=cross-compile set CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-elf- To build the ``shell`` demo application for the LiteX/VexRiscv board run the following commands on Linux and macOS: .. code:: bash cd ~/zephyrproject/zephyr source west build -p auto -b litex_vexriscv samples/subsys/shell/shell_module/ And on Windows: :: cd %HOMEPATH%\zephyrproject\zephyr zephyr-env.cmd west build -p auto -b litex_vexriscv samples\subsys\shell\shell_module\ The resulting ELF file will be in ``build/zephyr/zephyr.elf``. Run the app in Renode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To run the app you just compiled, you basically need to replace the precomipled demo binary with the one you want, by setting the ``zephyr`` variable - see below. Just like before, start Renode using the ``renode`` command (or ``./renode`` if you built from sources). You will see the Monitor, where you should type: :: (monitor) $zephyr=@~/zephyrproject/zephyr/build/zephyr/zephyr.elf (monitor) start @scripts/single-node/litex_vexriscv_zephyr.resc You should see a new window pop up for the serial port. In it, you should see the Zephyr interactive shell. Debugging the app in Renode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In general, debugging in Renode is done with GDB just like with a physical board - you connect to a debug port and execute GDB commands as usual. For details, see the `Renode debugging documentation `__.