Wishbone bridge between Renode and Fomu ======================================= This part of the workshop is based on a `Renode, Fomu and Etherbone bridge example `__ from the Renode documentation. Just like we can access Fomu peripherals using ``wishbone-tool``, we can also connect to a physical board from Renode, mapping a part of the memory space to be accessible via the Etherbone protocol. This is a very useful capability as it enables us to potentially simulate an advanced LiteX SoC system which would not normally fit in the FPGA (or e.g. take a long time to synthesize), and interface it with the remaining part of the physical system for I/O. Setting up the server ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ensure your Fomu is plugged in and setup the Etherbone server. In the workshop directory execute the following commands (on Linux and macOS): .. code:: bash cd litex/deps/litex git checkout master && git pull # this will fetch newer LiteX, required to handle communication properly ./litex_setup.py init # this will clone dependencies export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`:`pwd`/litex:`pwd`/migen When on Windows, run: :: cd litex\deps\litex git checkout master && git pull litex_setup.py init set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\litex;%cd%\migen After this preparation, we are ready to start the server: .. code:: bash python3 litex/tools/litex_server.py --usb --usb-vid 0x1209 --usb-pid 0x5bf0 You should see the following output, confirming that the server is connected to Fomu: :: LiteX remote server [CommUSB] vid: 0x1209 / pid: 0x5bf0 / tcp port: 1234 Now you can start Renode and setup the platform. Connecting from Renode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Run ``renode`` and in the Monitor type: :: (monitor) include @scripts/complex/fomu/renode_etherbone_fomu.resc (machine-0) start The ``litex_server.py`` should print: :: Connected with You will also see a new window with a `shell application `__, that provides additional commands allowing you to control LEDs on Fomu. .. code:: bash uart:~$ led_toggle uart:~$ led_breathe The ``led_toggle`` command controls the LED by turning it on and off. ``led_breathe`` makes the LED fade slowly in and out, creating a “breathe” effect. The script you loaded configures Renode to log all communication with Fomu. After issuing some commands in Zephyr’s shell you’ll see: :: 01:00:31.8276 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x40000988] WriteUInt32 to 0x8 (unknown), value 0x7. 01:00:31.8279 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x40000990] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0x8. 01:00:31.8290 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x40000998] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0xC8. 01:00:31.8298 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009A0] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0x9. 01:00:31.8301 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009A8] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0xBA. 01:00:31.8305 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009B0] WriteUInt32 to 0x8 (unknown), value 0x6. 01:00:31.8308 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009B4] WriteUInt32 to 0x8 (unknown), value 0x7. 01:00:31.8311 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009BC] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0x5. 01:00:31.8314 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009C0] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0x0. 01:00:31.8317 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009C4] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0x6. 01:00:31.8321 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009C8] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0x0. 01:00:31.8324 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009D0] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0x2. 01:00:31.8327 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009D4] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0x0. 01:00:31.8331 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009DC] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0x3. 01:00:31.8334 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009E0] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0x0. 01:00:31.8337 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009E8] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0x1. 01:00:31.8341 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x400009F4] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0xFF. 01:00:31.8344 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x40000A08] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0xA. 01:00:31.8347 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x40000A0C] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0x0. 01:00:31.8350 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x40000A14] WriteUInt32 to 0x4 (unknown), value 0xB. 01:00:31.8353 [DEBUG] led: [cpu: 0x40000A18] WriteUInt32 to 0x0 (unknown), value 0xFF. You can interact with Fomu manually, via the Monitor. To do that, you first need to find the name of the peripheral that serves the connection to Fomu. Type in ``peripherals`` to see a list of all the elements of the emulated SoC. Look for ``EtherBoneBridge`` entry: :: (machine-0) peripherals Available peripherals: sysbus (SystemBus) │ ├── cpu (VexRiscv) │ Slot: 0 │ ├── ddr (MappedMemory) │ <0x40000000, 0x4FFFFFFF> │ <0xC0000000, 0xCFFFFFFF> │ ├── eth (LiteX_Ethernet) │ │ <0x60007800, 0x600078FF> │ │ <0xE0007800, 0xE00078FF> │ │ <0x30000000, 0x30001FFF> │ │ <0xB0000000, 0xB0001FFF> │ │ <0x60007000, 0x600077FF> │ │ <0xE0007000, 0xE00077FF> │ │ │ └── phy (EthernetPhysicalLayer) │ Address: 0 │ ├── flash_mem (MappedMemory) │ <0x20000000, 0x21FFFFFF> │ <0xA0000000, 0xA1FFFFFF> │ ├── led (EtherBoneBridge) │ <0xE0006800, 0xE00068FF> │ ├── mem (MappedMemory) │ <0x00000000, 0x0003FFFF> │ <0x80000000, 0x8003FFFF> │ ├── spi (LiteX_SPI_Flash) │ │ <0x60005000, 0x6000500F> │ │ <0xE0005000, 0xE000500F> │ │ │ └── flash (Micron_MT25Q) │ ├── sram (MappedMemory) │ <0x10000000, 0x1003FFFF> │ <0x90000000, 0x9003FFFF> │ ├── timer0 (LiteX_Timer) │ <0x60002800, 0x60002843> │ <0xE0002800, 0xE0002843> │ └── uart (LiteX_UART) <0x60001800, 0x600018FF> <0xE0001800, 0xE00018FF> The device that acts as a connector to Fomu is called ``led`` and is registered at ``0xE0006800``: :: ├── led (EtherBoneBridge) │ <0xE0006800, 0xE00068FF> You can either use a full or relative address (via the ``sysbus`` or ``led`` objects, respectively) to communicate with the physical LED controller: :: (machine-0) sysbus WriteDoubleWord 0xE0006804 0x1234 # writes 0x1234 to the given address (machine-0) led WriteDoubleWord 0x4 0x4321 # writes 0x4321 to 0xE0006800 + 0x4 Note: the above values are just an example and won’t change the LED status in any visible way. If you want to enable “breathe” effect directly from the Monitor, see the necessary sequence in `the application source code `__.